20 Random Facts About AshleyNerdStar

Cartoon Ash (Bitstrips)

Why hello there? ^_^. Since I am making a fresh new start in maintaining this awesome blog of mine, I thought I would share some random facts about me. Just so you can get to I am bearing my soul to you people. So here we go:

 I am scared of thunder. Thunder Buddies unite!

#2: My two favorite foods in the whole wide world are: tacos and blueberry pancakes.

#3: One of my biggest fears is not being able to reach my dreams.

#4: One of my favorite comedy movies is Stepbrothers.

#5: If I ever get a puppy, which I will, I shall name it Marshmallow or maybe even Josie. I shall love it with every fiber of my being.

#6: I loved cereal so much that I came up with at least 8 cereal combinations. I will share that with you later.

#7: My favorite NBA team is the Boston Celtics.

#8: When I eat gum, I eat 2 or 3 pieces at a time.

#9: I used to read books all the time when I was little. Some of my favorite books that I read were Judy Blume books. Favorite Judy Blume Books: Freckle Juice and Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret?

#10: I used to take tap and ballet dance classes when I was little.

#11: I used to play basketball. Now I am totally obsessed playing softball.

#12: I always had a dream of becoming a b-girl and dance in a crew.

#13: I wanted to be a doctor growing up as a kid. I thought of being to be a Neurosurgeon or go into Pediatrics.

#14: I go by many nicknames: Carter, AC, AshBandicoot, Ash Bash, Ash, and Ash Loney (Older cousins used to call me that as a kid) just to name a few.

#15: I can sing. I pick up lyrics and melodies really good by ear. I can sing soprano, alto, and tenor.

#16: I would like to take a huge road trip across the US and visit my family. I also would like to travel different places in the world like Korea, Japan, Africa, the UK, and more.

#17: I still watch cartoons. My favorite show that I love at the moment is Regular Show.

#18: In my lifetime I have only cried watching of three the following movies: The Lion King, Ghost, and The Color Purple. Don’t judge me.

#19: There are three inspiring people that I would love to meet to gain  more knowledge and wisdom from: Steve Harvey, Kevin Powell, and Oprah.

#20: Dream job that I am working towards: Entertainment Magazine Writer.

Hopefully this allows you to get to know me a little bit better. If you would like to share some random facts about you, feel free to. Don’t be scared. I am always up for meeting new people are learning more about them.

Stay Classy, Homies ^_^.